Community Health Nursing

As part of the Community Nursing Course Activity , Community Health Nursing students  visited  High School of Bahra 1 for a day activity from 8.30-11.30 AM on Tuesday  the 27th  December  2016.

The main topic was  First Aid and CPR . The aim of the visit was to    promote  students’ Knowledge regarding  first aid , and CPR. In addition the aim also included   providing  training for students on CPR and First  Aid.

The CONJ  students  used Power point presentations  to explain  First Aid and CPR. Demonstration and role play for First  Aid management on conditions such  as fractures , bleeding  and nose bleeds were the target conditions for this visit.

Further  activities also  included an  educational video on CPR. Further to this  training included  demonstration of CPR on CPR Models. After the activity a discussion forum was encouraged by the students of CON-J , allowing for any questions to be answered.

Dr. ola Mamdouh Esheaba and Dr.Eman  Bajaamal supervised the students during this event.