Academic Counseling


To establish guidelines for effective academic counseling to ensure optimum student retention, academic performance, and personal growth of College of Nursing students towards achieving professional goals.

General Objectives

Monitor academic counseling progress

Coordinate with academic affairs to link advisors and students

Guide advisors and students on policies and procedures

Identify advisor and student needs in counseling

Report on advisor recommendations for improvement

Evaluate the effectiveness of the counseling process

Specific Objectives

Support students' learning and growth

Assist students in life and academic crises

Refer students to special university/college services as needed

Ensure students’ satisfaction comprehensive evaluation process

Maintain reliable students’ follow up

Monitor students' academic adaptation

Maintain ethical standards and confidentiality of students' documents

Procedure for Student Referral

Students can be referred to the unit for:

Academic concern

High absenteeism rate

Violation of professional code of conduct

Social, psychological, behavioral problems

Social Worker Role

Help students understand themselves and develop their abilities.

Identify problems and finding appropriate solutions.

Enhance mental health and adapting to the environment.

Provide individual counseling and necessary support

Follow up on cases and refer them to specialized entities when needed.

Well Student Center Appointment

Contact Us

Unit Coordinator

Dr. Amnah Jambi


Tel: +966 12 2246266 Ext. 46176

Social Worker of the Unit

Ms. Mona Bashaweeh


Tel: +966 12 2246666 Ext. 46053