Nursing Internship

General Information

Bootstrap Themes


Internship training is a core requirement of Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for all health specialties. It is also a requirement of Saudi Commission for Health Specialties/Nursing Board to grant professional registration and licensure to practice within the kingdom. Therefore, it is regarded as a fundamental component of undergraduate baccalaureate nursing program. It concludes BSN curriculum, and starts straight after successful completion of academic requirements and course work.

Mission Statement
  • The Internship Program subscribes to the philosophy, vision, and mission of the CON and KSAU-HS that aspire to underpin knowledge, skills, and clinical research within the Saudi context. It also embraces Islamic heritage including ethical values such as honesty, respect for the rights of patients, human dignity, serving, and sacrificing which aimed at improving the health of individuals, families, and communities.



To expand the interns’ understanding of the structure, scope, and services of real practice settings. .


To orient the interns about the different professional nurse roles & responsibilities.


To prepare interns effectively for future full time employment and related workplace/ professional requirements.


To consolidate previously learned knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to professional nursing practice. .


To facilitate the transition of interns’ performance from supervised to independent and functional professional practice.


To explore interns’ career interest and employment preferences in order to prepare them accordingly.

Core Values


Collaborate in the development and dissemination of knowledge, skills, and experience among faculty, interns, and clinical partners.


Facilitate bedside teaching while maintaining a culture of caring as a fundamental characteristic of the nursing profession.


Value accountability in all aspects of clinical and administrative work and take responsibility for actions.

Evidence-based Practices

Foster knowledge acquisition and advocate best practices in nursing education and practice informed by evidence.


Maintain a climate facilitating personal and professional development to internalize qualities such as accountability and responsibility.


Promote a culture of diversity, recognizing and respecting individual differences in the workforce and general population.

Collaborative Partnership

Encourage the establishment and maintenance of effective relationships with clinical partners to attain mutual goals.

Professional Competency

Foster the development of professional competencies among interns, including leadership, communication, and clinical skills.


The internship year will prepare the Nurse Intern to provide competent, safe,
and ethical professional practice across a variety of healthcare settings.

Client Health Assessment & Evaluation

Assess and evaluate clients' health conditions to create and implement holistic care plans aimed at prevention and resolving issues using the nursing process framework.

Critical Thinking & Nursing Process

Apply critical thinking skills necessary for the nursing process, ensuring effective patient care decisions are made based on thorough assessment and evaluation.

Clinical Leadership & Problem-Solving

Utilize clinical leadership skills such as problem-solving, decision-making, advocacy, and priority setting to improve multidisciplinary care delivery.

Patient & Family Education

Apply adult teaching principles to educate patients, families, staff, and significant others, fostering better understanding and support for health conditions.

Integrating Knowledge into Practice

Integrate theoretical and research-based knowledge into clinical practice, ensuring care strategies are informed by the latest evidence.

Collaborative Multidisciplinary Roles

Establish collaborative roles within a multidisciplinary team to enhance patient care through shared knowledge and expertise.

Nursing Informatics & Technology

Utilize nursing informatics and technology to improve the quality and efficiency of day-to-day nursing care and ensure optimal patient outcomes.

Therapeutic Relationships

Demonstrate the ability to establish, maintain, and appropriately end therapeutic relationships with clients, ensuring empathy and professionalism at all stages.

Professionalism & Lifelong Learning

Develop personal characteristics associated with professionalism, such as accountability, commitment to continuous knowledge search, and self-directed lifelong learning.

Why We Are Different?

Our internship program is designed to provide a solid foundation for leadership and excellence in clinical nursing education and practice, in alignment with the mission of KSAU-HS and CON.

Comprehensive Preparation

We prepare graduate generalists who are clinically, professionally, ethically, and culturally competent to meet the fast-growing needs of the Saudi healthcare system and populations.

Practical Experience

The Graduate Nurse Intern Program spans 48 weeks, conducted at King Abdulaziz Medical City (KAMC), where students gain hands-on experience in an excellent educational environment.

Unit-Based Activities

Our program includes centralized and unit-based activities that directly relate to the expectations of a professional nurse role, helping interns to gain essential competencies.

Framework for Development

National Guard Hospital provides a framework to support your development from Graduate Nurse Intern to Graduate Nurse, and finally to a Professional Nurse.

Preceptorship for Success

The preceptorship program is essential for baseline competency assessment, performance feedback, and goal-setting to guide interns on their path to becoming skilled professionals.

Postgraduate Training

We offer high-quality postgraduate residency and fellowship programs designed to foster further growth and development in the nursing field.

Career Counseling

Our program includes career counseling services to help Nurse Interns explore career paths, providing insights to help them make informed career decisions for their future.

Internship Program

Internship Mission
  • Our mission is to deliver innovative clinical program, committed to establishing foundation for leadership and excellence in nursing clinical education and practice. The mission also embraces new nurses who are clinically, professionally, ethically, and culturally competent in meeting the fast growing, current, and future needs of Saudi health care system and Saudi diverse population.

Intended Learning Outcomes
of Internship Field Experience

By the end of the internship year, interns will be able to:

Understand the practice settings and the services available to facilitate patient care delivery.
Integrate theoretical knowledge and concepts related to nursing, basic, and social sciences into professional nursing practice.
Recognize the knowledge and theory foundation related to core nursing interventions and skills.
Evaluate clients’ health conditions systematically within professional practice standards.
Plan holistic patient and family centered care using the nursing process framework.
Evaluate research evidence to guide professional nursing practice.
Demonstrate utilization of critical thinking skills in making informed decisions related to the care of patients & their families.
Assume responsibility and accountability for own decisions and actions.
Incorporate professional values including ethical and legal aspects into the practice of nursing.
Provide health education for patients and their families/caregivers.
Demonstrate basic clinical leadership skills.
Work effectively with interdisciplinary teams in order to meet the healthcare needs of patients and their families.
Demonstrate effective time management skills.
Explore available career pathways within nursing most suitable for future employment.
Communicate effectively using therapeutic verbal and non-verbal communication with patients, families, interdisciplinary team.
Document nursing care plan and interventions effectively following standards of legal and professional documentation.
Demonstrate mastery of basic mathematical calculation necessary for nursing care delivery.
Utilize nursing informatics and technology in reviewing, reporting and documenting day-to-day patient care.
Advocate human dignity and patients/families' rights.
Perform comprehensive physical assessment for individuals across the lifespan.
Perform the core nursing skills stipulated in the internship curriculum within a satisfactory performance level as an intern.
Carry an assigned patient load and deliver holistic nursing care within standards of practice guidelines.

Internship Program Phases

The internship program is divided into two phases (Attachment No. 1 Internship Program Structure) as prescribed below.

Phase I covers 32 weeks period and its requirements are unified for all interns. It is structured to facilitate consolidation of interns’ clinical experience, knowledge, and professional conduct in medical, surgical, maternity, and pediatric areas.

No Unit Total number of weeks Area/week
1 Surgical 12 weeks inclusive of necessary orientation
  • Any general surgical area (male or female)
  • Day care Unit
  • Critical care/specialized areas with surgical orientation such as (but not limited to) surgical ICU, OR, PACU, Endoscopy/Angiography, and others
  • Any other unit where its service profile is adequate to cover the surgical rotation objectives provided that the newly selected areas are approved by the concerned CON.
  • Interns shall also spend one week of their surgical rotation in an outpatient clinic with a surgical orientation service profile.
2 Medical 12 weeks inclusive of necessary orientation
  • Any general medical area (male or female)
  • Oncology
  • Critical care/specialized areas with medical orientation such as (but not limited to) medical ICU, CCU, dialysis units, emergency, and others
  • Any other unit where its service profile is adequate to cover the medical rotation objectives provided that the newly selected areas are approved by the concerned CON.
  • Interns shall also spend one week of their medical rotation in an outpatient clinic with a medical orientation service profile.
3 Maternity 4 weeks
  • Obstetrics & Gynecology
  • Labor & Delivery
4 Pediatrics 4 weeks
  • Pediatric (surgical or medical)
  • Critical care/specialized areas with pediatric orientation such as (but not limited to) PICU, Admission nursery, NICU, and others

General Guidelines for Phase I Clinical Placement

  • Orientation & Preparation: CON is responsible for conducting adequate orientation sessions, workshops, and activities targeting the staff in the clinical setting who will be involved with the interns.
  • Rotation Placement: Placement plans should ensure that the assigned clinical units are suitable to achieve the rotation-specific learning outcomes.
  • Initial Placement & Shift Arrangements: Interns will primarily work day shifts during the first two months to help them understand the hospital system, complete orientations, and achieve core competencies. However, if necessary, they may rotate earlier to weekend/night shifts with adequate support.
  • Professional Core Competencies: Clinical units should emphasize professionalism, teamwork, self-direction, leadership, communication, lifelong learning, critical thinking, and clinical skill competence in the interns’ learning plans.
  • Nurse Manager's Role: The Nurse Manager is responsible for overseeing the intern’s clinical experience, progress, and performance, implementing remedial plans when necessary in collaboration with the concerned CON.
  • Preceptor Supervision: Interns will practice under the supervision of a preceptor, who will guide their clinical performance, facilitate bedside learning, and help them achieve learning objectives.
  • Intern Performance Expectations:
    • By the end of the first three months, an intern is expected to manage 50% of a registered nurse's workload under preceptor supervision.
    • By the end of Phase I, an intern should be able to handle a full patient load during day, night, and weekend shifts, still under preceptor supervision.
  • Phase I Completion Requirements:
    An intern will not proceed to Phase II unless they:
    • Demonstrate the ability to meet the full nursing care needs of patients.
    • Achieve all required learning outcomes and competencies for Phase I.
    • Commit to the program's timeline and attendance requirements.

Phase I Portfolio

No Unit Total number of weeks Area
5 Based on the intern’s career choice/preferred area of practice 16 weeks inclusive of necessary orientation
  • The placement unit depends on the intern’s career choice.
  • Potentially, phase II placement could be arranged in any general medical, surgical, or pediatric area, any critical or specialized unit, outpatient clinics, home health care services, and any other relevant area provided that it provides direct patient care services and is approved by the concerned College of Nursing.
  • In cases when an intern is not considering employment in the same clinical site where their clinical training occurs, they will be placed, as much as possible, in an area relevant to their recruitment plan with another employer (if valid) or an area that is convenient to their personal preference.

Phase II of Internship Program

  • Program Duration: Phase II covers a period of 16 weeks and starts after the successful completion of Phase I.
  • Career-Linked Training: A key strength of the KSAU-HS nursing internship program is its career-linked approach, ensuring that interns are effectively prepared for their future nursing roles. This enhances their functionality, adaptability, and retention in their first job.
  • Career Counseling Support: To aid in career decision-making, the Division of Nursing Services, in collaboration with the College of Nursing (CON), will provide structured career counseling sessions, helping interns make informed choices about their future career paths.
  • Placement Options: In Phase II, interns can choose between a general or specialized career path. Placement options may include:
    • General Medical, Surgical, or Pediatric Units
    • Critical or Specialized Units
    • Outpatient Clinics
    • Home Health Care Services
    • Any relevant area that provides direct patient care and is approved by the CON
  • Focus Areas of Phase II: The program emphasizes:
    • Progressive socialization into real-life employment.
    • Developing a solid knowledge foundation related to the area of practice.
    • Refining and expanding clinical skills.
    • Consolidating professional behaviors and competencies.
    • Gradual progression towards independent practice.
  • Completion Requirements: Upon completing Phase II, an intern is expected to:
    • Demonstrate full competence in all intended learning outcomes.
    • Meet all Saudi Nursing Council and Ministry of Education requirements.
    • Qualify for registration as a Staff Nurse 1.

Phase II Portfolio

Internship Program Management

Program Management
The Internship Program is stipulated and managed by the College of Nursing (CON). Participating hospitals are expected to facilitate the program's implementation under direct guidance from CON.
Regional Responsibilities
Each College of Nursing (CON) at KSAU-HS in Riyadh, Jeddah, and Al-Ahsa is responsible academically and administratively for interns assigned to their region, regardless of the student's initial registration site.
Regional Internship Program Committee
A Regional Internship Program Committee will be formed by each CON to facilitate the regional implementation and management of the program.
Committee Composition
The committee will comprise representatives from the Division of Nursing Services in the recruited clinical sites. It will provide the venue for discussions on issues related to the internship program implementation and interns' progress.
Committee Major Charges
The committee's major charges are as follows:

Facilitate regional implementation of the Internship Program.

Oversee annual clinical placement plans for CON interns.

Monitor interns' progress in clinical settings.

Promote quality program implementation and clinical experience.

Investigate performance or conduct incidents and recommend actions.

Review and recommend actions for disputes or concerns endorsed by interns.

Contribute to interns' counseling activities when required.

Recommend solutions to common concerns between CON and clinical settings.

Oversee career counseling activities for CON interns.

Facilitate relevant assessment activities for quality improvement, accreditation, and research.

Internship Placement
& Training

Internship Preparation

Preparing For Internship Training

Basic Life Support (BLS) Certification

Interns should have a valid BLS certification in order to start training. It is the responsibility of each intern to arrange for re-certification of BLS, if needed, prior to starting the training unless facilitated otherwise by the recruited clinical site.


Interns should comply with all immunization requirements requested by the clinical setting prior to commencing bedside practices.

English Proficiency Exam (EPE)
  • CON interns are expected to take the Ministry of National Guards Health Affairs English Language Proficiency Exam (MONGHA ELPE) on level 5 (three levels before internship).
  • The pass score for this exam is 65% for employment requirements. However, the minimum qualifying score to commence internship is 50%.
  • Students who obtain a score of 65% or above in the exam will be exempted from writing it again as interns, residents, or as new employees by MONGHA (as per APP 1419-016 Saudi Nurses Career Path at the MONGHA).
  • Students who obtain a score less than 65% have to retake it every level after until a score of 65% is secured or, at least, a qualifying score to commence internship (that is 50%).
  • Potential interns who score a mark less than 65% are expected to exercise personal responsibility over improving their English language.


Upon starting internship training, interns must attend the following orientation:
  • Hospital orientation.
  • Internship program orientation.
  • General Nursing Orientation (GNO) offered by each participating hospital.
  • Orientation to specific clinical areas.
  • Other orientation activities deemed necessary by the training site and mutually approved by the concerned CON.

Internship Policies

Attendance Requirements During Internship

A. Time Period of internship training:
  • The internship training for national BSN graduates is one calendar year (52 weeks), inclusive of two weeks leave for Eid Al-Fetr, two weeks leave for Hajj, and one day leave for the Saudi National Day.
  • That leaves an actual 48 weeks clinical rotation time inclusive of orientation activities defined mutually by CON and the clinical settings.
  • In order to fulfill time requirements of the program, the CON Intern must attend a 100% of the specified clinical time. Therefore any missing clinical time, due to absenteeism, marriage, deferment or else, must be made up for before completion of the program.
B. Leaves and Absence Stipulations:

Interns should comply with all immunization requirements requested by the clinical setting prior to commencing bedside practices.

C. Working Hours:
  • The CON Intern shall follow the clinical site shift patterns and working procedures including working nights and weekends. In so doing, the Intern will gain an understanding of patient care needs, continuity of care, and will be able to function more independently.
  • The CON Intern shall work a roster of 44 hours per week.
  • During the holy month of Ramadan, the Interns will work reduced hours (30 hours per week instead of 44 hours) as per Saudi Labor Law stipulations.

Interns' Study Leaves

CON interns are required to attend few mandatory workshops during internship program, namely:

  • Medication safety.
  • Pain management.
  • Vascular access and IV fluids.
  • Additionally, they may attend any other workshops deemed essential for their training and mutually agreed on by the concerned CON and the recruited clinical sites where the field experience is carried out..
  • Interns may also enjoy a maximum of 3 days study leaves to attend workshops and conferences relevant to practice area. The said study leave time is considered part of their training and they don’t have to made it up,

Internship Logistics

Clinical Placement Sites

Internship training is conducted in clinical settings that are properly recruited by the university whereby a placement agreement between the two parties is signed.
Currently, the Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs Hospital is the primary placement site for KSAU-HS Nurse Interns, specifically the following sites:
  • King Abdulaziz Medical City- Riyadh.
  • King Abdulaziz Medical City- Al-Ahsa.
  • King Abdulaziz Medical City- Jeddah.
However, non-NGHA hospitals might be explored if a need to expand clinical placement sites arises. Exploring, approving, and recruiting new clinical placement settings remain entirely the responsibility of the concerned CON.
The Nursing Service Division in each clinical setting will select and approve, mutually with the concerned CON, the clinical teaching units designated as appropriate for interns’ clinical training taking into account the following considerations:
  • Training needs of the interns.
  • Appropriateness of the selected clinical areas to the program objectives.
  • Inputs from the respective CON.
  • Availability of related clinical experience identified by the program.
  • Support structure available within the selected unit to promote quality of mentoring and bedside instructions.

Payment During Internship

  • Saudi Nurse Interns will be paid an established monthly salary as per the Kingdom’s Civil Bureau law and the Ministry of Higher Education rules and regulations under which the university is chartered.
  • The stipend will be received for only twelve months period. In cases when the training period is extended for whatever reason, the extended time shall not be paid.
  • If an intern requests deferment of her training, for a period equal or more than 3 months, the concerned CON will formally withhold payment of the stipend for the same period of deferment.

Support & Counseling

Career Counseling

Career Pathway Planning Session

Prior to the end of month seven, the Nurse Intern will be invited to attend an individualized career pathway planning session with an advisory panel comprising representation from CON and participating hospitals.

Explore Career Choices

A Nurse Intern is expected to explore her career choices before attending the counseling session.

Advisory Panel

The advisory panel is expected to provide adequate information about selected areas of practice to help the Nurse Intern make an informed career decision.

Phase Two Planning

Information from this session will be utilized to plan for phase two of the program (general or specialized pathway).

Intern's Activities

Internship Program Overview

Program Overview

The internship program includes essential instructions tailored for the graduate nurse intern, including:

Educational Workshops

Participate in targeted educational workshops designed to boost knowledge and skills in clinical settings.

Clinical Seminars

Attend clinical education seminars for practical, hands-on experience in real-world settings.

In-Service Meetings

Engage in in-service meetings to build effective communication and collaboration with healthcare teams.

Library Access

Utilize library facilities for research, clinical case studies, and learning resources.

Cultural Awareness

Participate in cultural awareness presentations to enhance understanding of diverse clinical settings.

The total time commitment involves an average of 44 hours per week, with the possibility of reaching 55 hours per week.
It also includes opportunities for involvement in twin separation surgeries where applicable.

& Performance

Evaluation During Internship

Evaluation of interns is primarily focused on three major domains: professional conduct, clinical practice and care delivery, and competency acquisition.

Interns must meet predetermined performance criteria by the end of each clinical rotation.

Interns' progress will be reviewed regularly by the concerned nursing staff and the Nurse Manager.

Interns are expected to actively contribute to their evaluation through self-assessment, identifying strengths and areas for improvement.

Types of Evaluation

Mid-Rotation Evaluation

A non-graded evaluation carried out by the Nurse Manager focusing on progress toward learning objectives.

Final Evaluation

Graded evaluation conducted by a panel comprising CON and Nursing Services representatives.

Remediation Plan

Extension of Rotation

If the intern fails to meet requirements, the rotation may be extended to achieve the missing criteria.


If the intern does not meet the required outcomes, they will receive a Fail grade and repeat the rotation.

To pass a rotation, an intern must meet all performance objectives, learning outcomes, and rotation competencies. If any requirements are unmet, the Evaluation Panel will decide the next steps, including possible remediation.

Intern In-service Presentations

5 Required Presentations

Each intern must present 5 in-services during the training year.

Cultural Presentations

2 out of 5 presentations must address Saudi cultural perspectives.

Clinical Presentations

The remaining 3 focus on clinical issues in the assigned area.

Presentation Duration

Each presentation lasts between 10 to 15 minutes.

Presentation Requirements

Must include introduction, objectives, research evidence, and conclusions.

Pre-Presentation Review

Interns must have their in-service reviewed at least 5 days prior.

Evaluation & Grading

Graded by Nurse Educators or Managers using a standard evaluation form.

Key Roles and Responsibilities

Role Responsibilities of the CON Intern

  • Be accountable for own learning and progress toward achieving training objectives.
  • Demonstrate progressive clinical judgment, problem solving, critical thinking, and time management skills.
  • Consistently demonstrate a sound knowledge background in nursing, biological, social, and behavioral sciences, and integrate it in day-to-day practice.
  • Demonstrate progressive clinical competence throughout the internship year.
  • Function effectively as an interdisciplinary team member in the assigned clinical area.
  • Collaborate and communicate effectively with members of the interdisciplinary team.
  • Comply with hospital standards of care, policies, and procedures, and the nursing practice model to ensure patient safety in all activities.
  • Collaborate and communicate effectively with members of the interdisciplinary team.
  • Deliver ethical nursing care.
  • Conduct self professionally.
  • Act as a role model for fellow students and interns.
  • Realistically identify own strengths and limitations.
  • Be committed to own professional growth and lifelong learning.
  • Demonstrate sensitivity to the diversity of patients, colleagues, and healthcare team members.
  • Demonstrate effective use of information technology.
  • Act as patient and family advocate.

Role Responsibilities of Nurse Managers

NM is responsible for the clinical unit standards and the overall interns’ clinical placement.

  • Ensure that the Nurse Interns practice within the established policies and protocols of the clinical site and the CON.
  • Maintain and ensure completeness of interns’ Log Book.
  • Provide an effective unit-specific orientation that will facilitate the integration of the Nurse Intern into the unit team.
  • Monitor interns’ attendance and ensure compliance to interns’ attendance/absenteeism policies.
  • Ensure availability of adequate clinical supervision and resources to the Nurse Interns to ensure safe practice at all times.
  • Coordinate the allocation of a Preceptor to each Nurse Intern.
  • Supervise and monitor the patient assignment process to interns.
  • Ensure that the Clinical Resource Nurses/Clinical Educators and Preceptors are prepared to teach, assess and facilitate the learning objectives of the Nurse Interns and that all participants in the learning process are supported at all times.
  • Create a clinical environment that is conducive and supportive to the learning objectives of the Nurse Internship program in accordance with patient rights and safety.
  • Act as a professional role model and nurture professional behavior and development in interns.
  • Assist the Nurse Intern to assimilate into the nursing environment.
  • Contribute to intern's performance evaluation.
  • Monitor the Nurse Intern's progress. Schedule regular meetings with the CRN, Nurse Intern, and the Preceptor to discuss the Nurse Intern's progress and obtain feedback.
  • Provide regular feedback to the Clinical Resource Nurses/Clinical Educators, Preceptor, and Nurse Intern.
  • Encourage lifelong learning.
  • Redirect operational, conduct performance and educational concerns about the Nurse Intern immediately to the concerned CON and Nursing services administrative appropriately.
  • Engage the interns in unit-based quality teams and committees.
  • Ensure that unit staff are aware of internship related resources.
  • Monitor interns’ leadership skills progress.
  • Contribute to interns’ professional counseling as needed.
  • Formally hand over the intern’s formal booklet to the next NM upon completion of the clinical rotation.
  • Contribute to the assessment activity generated by Nursing Services and the CON for the purpose of quality improvement, program evaluation, and research.

Role Responsibilities of Preceptors

Preceptor is responsible for the interns’ bedside clinical teaching and clinical supervision and is accountable to the NM.

  • Orientate the Nurse Intern into the clinical unit to ensure a smooth transition into the clinical setting.
  • Introduce the Nurse Intern to all key members of the multidisciplinary team and explain the various roles.
  • Facilitate a smooth transition into the field of clinical nursing practice by informing and assisting the Nurse Intern to understand social, psychological, religious, and cultural aspects related to nursing.
  • Facilitate an optimal learning environment to promote attainment of the clinical learning objectives and ensure continuity during breaks and absences.
  • Mentor the Nurse Intern and prepare her to holistically care for the patient.
  • Act as a professional role model and display a positive attitude and acceptable level of conduct.
  • Ensure the Nurse Intern has a sound understanding of her learning objectives and limitations in relation to the Intern scope of practice.
  • Encourage the Nurse Intern to implement evidence-based clinical practice. Instill a sense of enquiry and critical thinking in the workplace.
  • Provide adequate supervision and support to the Nurse Intern ensuring that theory is integrated with clinical practice, providing sound consolidation of nursing practice.
  • Create an environment that provides optimal clinical learning opportunities for Nurse Intern, inclusive of participation on the unit and quality action teams.
  • Be available at all times for interns and ensure that interns do not engage in direct patient care activities without supervision.
  • Contribute to and participate in the Nurse Intern's formative and summative assessment and evaluation requirements.
  • Provide regular feedback on weekly basis to the NM regarding the Nurse Intern's clinical performance.
  • Redirect Nurse Intern related clinical concerns, scope of practice issues or requests for patient allocation to the NM.
  • Report matters of concern such as attendance issues and practice to the NM immediately.
  • Act as a resource person for the intern and address their clinical/professional queries appropriately.
  • Enforce implementation of related professional/clinical policies, care protocol pertinent to area of practice, and enhance developing progressive independent practice by interns.
  • Acts as client, family, and learners’ advocate.
  • Contribute to the assessment activity generated by Nursing Services and the CON for the purpose of quality improvement, program evaluation, and research.

Program Completion

Successful Completion of the Program

Award of Degree

The CON intern will be awarded a degree of: Baccalaureate in Nursing Sciences from CON, making her a professional nurse licensed to practice nursing in Saudi Arabia.

Register with Saudi Council

Interns are expected to register with Saudi Council for Health Specialties immediately after completing the internship training.

Policies and Procedures

Contact Us

Internship Office

  • (966) 2 6755370 - Ext. 29228
  • (966) 2 6755370 - Ext. 29210
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