Students FAQs - Students

Where can I call for any inquiries?

You can call through the following phone numbers: Jeddah: +966 (12) 2246666 Fax: +966 (12) 2246190

Is there a student dorm on campus?

No, there is not.

Can I leave campus when I finish with my lectures early?

The student can leave campus once she finishes the lectures per her schedule.

I will soon complete my internship – when will I receive my graduation certificate?

After completing the internship year, the results will be reviewed and accredited by the College Council then the accredited names will be sent to the admission and registration department where the graduation documents will be printed.

What should I bring to receive my graduation documents?

  • ID card or badge.
  • You clearance fully signed.

Can I get my friend’s certificate on her behalf?

No, she has to come personally to receive all her graduation documents.

What documents should I bring in case of withdrawing from KSAU-HS?

  • Guardian’s consent.
  • You must hand over your student ID card and the hospital badge. Also, provide the receipt for receiving your original documents to the Admission and Registration Department.
  • Hand over the keys to Students Affairs.
  • Hand over the borrowed books to the library.