Faculty Research

Faculty members are active in conducting research and attending conferences. Various research areas are of interest to CON-J faculty and students:

  • Academic (teaching and learning) that includes:  assessment & evaluation/ teaching & learning styles; e-learning; innovative teaching learning models; critical thinking; stress & coping among students; palliative care education; teaching methods (PBL vs. traditional methods); curriculum evaluation; effectiveness of different teaching strategies; predictors of students’ success.
  • Clinical practice that includes: critical care nursing; quality of care; oncology nursing; chronic illnesses; clinical teaching / learning; family health:  women, neonates, children abuse and neglect. Community at large that includes: managing chronic illness /quality of life; school health; and mental health & illness.
  • Administration that includes: Human resources development; Job satisfaction; Nurses image; Leadership styles; Administrative policies and procedures of clinical teaching/learning; Partnership models or Unification models. 

In addition faculty research is focused on the national research priority areas in Saudi Arabia as follows:

  • Communicable diseases

  • Non communicable diseases

  • Innovative teaching and learning

  • Health promotion.

Research is one of the major requirements for faculty promotion. The King Abdullah International Medical Research Center (KAIMRC) renders services and state of the art resources for faculty members at different colleges within King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences.