Reseach Unit


The Research Unit at the College of Nursing – Jeddah (CON-J) is responsible for overseeing all research activities.


Facilitate high quality research that’s promotes the health of society.


Create a rich scholarly environment that facilates faculty and student research.


In keeping with KSAU-HS vision and mission and research goal the Research Unit is aimed at achieving the College of Nursing- strategic goal to which is aimed at:
Strengthening nursing research and scholarly activities that are nationally relevant and internationally competitive.


  1. Develop and oversee structure and process to promote and sustain the quality and productivity of faculty and student research.

  2. Evaluate proposals in terms of scientific merit, feasibility, methodology, statistical validity and requested funding based upon King Abdullah International Medical Research Center (KAIMRC) guidelines.

  3. Promote and coordinate multidisciplinary research activities throughout CON-J and collaborate with KAIMRC and KSAU-HS whenever possible.

  4. Organize national and international nursing conferences, symposiums, and scientific days.

  5. Create a data base that outlines nursing research publications in KSA.

  6. Seek annual reports from researchers covering research project progress and or publications arising from research.

  7. Prepare and submit annual reports to the College Council.

Research Activities

Research Stream Initiative

Research Preview Proccess

Activities Calendar

Faculty Research Interests and Publications

Video Library

Spring 21-22 Newsletter

Fall 21-22 Newsletter

E- Library

Research Unit Members

  • Chairperson: Dr. Ghada Kurban, Assistant Professor, Nursing Department, CON-J

  • Co-Chairperson: Dr. Abeer Esawi, Professor, Nursing Department, CON-J

  • Dr. Tagwa Y. Omer, Associate Professor, Nursing Department, CON-J

  • Dr. Lamyaa ALyaba, Associate Professor, Nursing Department, CON-J

  • Dr.Sharifa Alsayed, Associate Professor, Nursing Department, CON-J

  • Dr. Ebtesam Abouhasish, Associate Professor, Nursing Department, CON-J

  • Dr. Amal Khalil, Assistant Professor, Nursing Department, CON-J

  • Dr. Neama Hantira, Assistant Professor, Nursing Department, CON-J

  • Dr. Sama Enazi, Assistant Professor, Nursing Department, CON-J

  • Dr. Salwa Hafez, Assistant Professor, Nursing Department, CON-J

  • Dr. Jamila Fallatah, Assistant Professor, Nursing Department, CON-J

  • Dr. Ebtesam Almashni, Assistant Professor, Nursing Department, CON-J

  • Ms. Meaad Alqahtany, Research Assistant II, CON-J

  • Ms. Reem Hejazi, Administrative Assistant, CON-J

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